Lehrstuhl für Komparatistik


Prof. Dr. Juliane Prade-Weiss

Prof. Dr. Juliane Prade-Weiss


Büro: Schellingstraße 7, Raum 202, 80799 München

Postanschrift: Schellingstraße 3, 80799 München

Telefon: +49 (0)89 2180-3185

Sprechstunde: in der Vorlesungszeit: Mo 14-16 Uhr c.t. nach Anmeldung


  • Antrittsvorlesung 12.06.2024_JPWAntrittsvorlesung
    Zur Partizipation: Anatomie eines Versprechens

    12. Juni 2024, 18-20 Uhr
    LMU München, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl. 1, A 125
Rupert Gaderer & Juliane Prade-Weiss (ed.)
Bielefeld, transcript: 2024
Sich zu beschweren gehört zu den üblichsten Formen der Alltagssprache. Zugleich ist das Vorbringen von Beschwerden ein zentrales Element der Aushandlung sozialer Systeme. In beiden Fällen changieren Beschwerden zwischen konstruktivem Engagement und destruktivem Exzess. Die Beiträger*innen aus der Literatur- und Medienwissenschaft untersuchen die Strukturlogik des Beschwerdeführens in Literatur, Film und anderen Medien und decken auf, wie dessen grundlegende Ambivalenz die Verhandlung von Sachfragen bestimmt. Dabei liegt der Fokus nicht nur darauf, über was, sondern auch darauf, wie Beschwerde geführt wird.

buchcover_verzehrJuliane Prade-Weiss
Language of Ruin and Consumption
On Lamenting and Complaining

London: Bloomsbury, 2020

Laments and complaints are among the most ancient poetical forms and ubiquitous in everyday speech. Understanding plaintive language, however, is often prevented by the resentment and fear it evokes: Lamenting and complaining seems pointless, irreconcilable, and destructive. Language of Ruin and Consumption: On Lamenting and Complaining examines Freud’s approaches to lamenting and complaining, the heart of psychoanalytic therapy and theory, and takes them as guideline for reading key works of the modern canon. The re-negotiation of older – ritual, dramatic, and juridical – forms in Rilke, Wittgenstein, Scholem, Benjamin, and Kafka puts plaintive language in the center of modern individuality and expounds a fundamental dimension of language neglected in theory: Reciprocity is at issue in plaintive language. Complaining and lamenting language is expounded as a crucial medium of psychic, social, and political (re-)formation due to its characteristic of stirring up, rather than settling, issues.
Objective of Language of Ruin and Consumption: On Lamenting and Complaining is to analyze a fundamental structure of language that dominates the discourses of Modern individuality and politics, but is neglected in theoretical approaches to language: Speech is not only by someone and on something, but also addressed to someone. Crucial to therapy, this axiom of psychoanalysis is no less decisive, and everything but commonplace, in understanding poetical texts and political discourse.